It’s almost time to say good-bye and good riddance to 2020. I hope and pray 2021 is a much better year for everyone. While 2020 wasn’t a great year overall, it had some fun and awesome times. We learned to slow down. We spent more time outside (I had a pretty rockin’ tan in Spring)! Parents became teachers and teacher’s assistants as well as tech support. We learned adults don’t know how to act appropriately on video conference calls (how can we expect kids to act appropriately if we can’t trust adults to act appropriately?). We saw the inside of our co-workers homes (and saw who could have a 2nd career in interior design and who couldn’t)! I’m sure we all learned a new skill of some sort. We gardened (successfully or unsuccessfully), remodeled parts of our homes, learned cleaning tips and tricks, cleaned out closets…We met new neighbors (or hopefully we did), helped each other out (hopefully), and we found new ways to stay connected. We learned that politicians don’t leave anything to the experts in their fields. Politicians can make even a health crisis something other than what it is: health related. We had a pretty crazy election. We had a lot of things in 2020. A light was shed on Black injustice. We have lost friends over differing opinions on Black injustice, politics, and SARS-CoV2 (aka COVID-19).
I voted! Rain, rain, go away? NO WAY! Picnics outside Redoing the yard! New ways to celebrate birthdays That’s WAY better! New loves!
There has been so much hate spread and so many differing opinion on so many things. At the end of the day, if you are still reading this, thank you and I see you and you are important and appreciated. We all have differing opinions and that is fine. We all have something to learn from each other. Please don’t forget that. We are all humans and we were created differently and have our own thoughts and feelings.
As 2020 comes to a close, I’m not making any resolutions. I rarely do anyway and when I have, I haven’t kept them. This year, I am looking back on 2020 and remembering the good times and being thankful. I am glad I was able to have life slow down so I could learn more about my children and spend more time with them. I am thankful that the extra time spent with them has allowed me to discover that my oldest son requires a little more firm touch to calm down and settle down (no we are not talking spankings). I am thankful that I have learned what he needs. I am thankful for a handsome little baby boy that came quickly into this world! I am thankful for the extra time getting to work with my littles on school work (crazy I know) because now I can see where they struggle and I am learning right alongside them.
Our shirt to announce our baby boy post race! The pic that says it all after delivery! Sweet love! He sure loves his brother! Baby snuggles are the best! ummmm 🙂
I am thankful for a garden adventure that was (and still is) productive. We learned as a family how to cultivate from seeds and worked together to produce strawberries, bell peppers, tomatoes, and watermelons. We learned how to be resourceful with food and other items around the house. We did WAY more recycling than we have ever done. This included recycling used TP rolls into crafts. We spent WAY more on groceries this year since the kiddos were all home with us! We found new recipes to try, we cooked together. We worked on chores around the house together.
candy math! Walking rainbow Ice cream in bag New milestones TERRIBLE idea! Messy but cute!
I am thankful for technology. Words I NEVER thought I would say. Thanks to technology we were able to stay in touch and “see” our family and friends. We did Bible studies virtually. Had virtual playdates. Mimi and Nan got to “go” with my daughter to get her ears pierced. An Aunt got to “go” Christmas light looking with our family. We were able to continue work with video conferencing. I finally got to do some “writing” thanks to technology (and this blog).
I am thankful for the Dollar Tree! Y’all the Dollar Tree saved our budget and our lives! We got learning resources from the Dollar Tree, crafts, toys, stickers…you name it, we likely got it from Dollar Tree!
I am thankful for Dave Ramsey’s FPU (Financial Peace University) that allowed us to be okay during the pandemic. If you need to learn how to manage your money, I highly recommend it. If you can’t afford it, listen to his show, follow his principles. You won’t be sorry! Thanks to FPU, I was able to take my doctor’s medical advice and leave a job I loved dearly without having to worry about where our next meal would come from.
I am thankful for another year of marriage. The pandemic has put a strain on a lot of relationships, but thankfully, so far we have made it. Does that mean it’s been all rainbows and butterflies? No way. We’ve had our ups and downs but we’ve made it. I have watched my husband grow in such amazing ways as a father and it makes me beam with pride. He has really stepped up his game during this pandemic! He has taught the kids to ride bikes, taken them on long walks, carved out time for dates with each kiddo, and given me much needed breaks! He took us on adventures in nature. He taught our daughter how to fish. Despite being sick of spending time with each other, he has found ways to keep it fun!
Fun in the mud riding bikes! Donuts at the park!
While I miss my job immensely, I have loved spending extra time with my littles. They are only little for so long and the time goes by so quickly. Again, it hasn’t always been perfect. This Mama has had her days where she just loses it and yells too much. I’m not proud of those moments, but the stress of life and, at times, the guilt and sadness of leaving my job to be home with them has gotten to me. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think I would ever go back and change the decision we made for our family, but I sure do miss the kiddos I was responsible for at work and my work family. I know I will always be thankful for this extra time with my babes!
In 2020 I learned how to put things together. I learned how to be a SAHM and teacher. I learned more about each of my kiddos. I learned to take time for myself and do things I love like crafting and reading. Self care is so important. Don’t let anyone tell you how selfish you are if you decide to do a little self care. It is important for our mental health. Don’t ignore your physical and spiritual health either. It sounds daunting, but you can’t neglect yourself or you just may find you don’t like the person you are becoming. It could be as simple as starting a journal and eating 1 meal that is healthier or drinking more water. Maybe a bath each night at the end of the day or a mask a couple of times a week. Have more dance parties with you littles! Find what works for you!
Christmas in July! Santa! Makeover Red and blue Kool Aid hair After Sometimes we got stuck Drink yo water! Out for a run!
I encourage you to get to know your neighbors in 2021. If you already know some, get to know more. Find out how you can be a blessing to them. We are all struggling. No one should struggle alone. Come alongside others and help them. It doesn’t have to be monetarily. Spread kindness and speak love into other’s lives. Get to know others who don’t look like you: less money, more money, different skin color, no kids, lots of kids, single, married, etc. We have so much to learn from each other. Keep your mind and your heart open. Instead of wondering what you can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for others. Together let’s make 2021 a better year no matter what it holds health wise. You can’t go wrong spreading kindness!
Welcome basket for our new neighbors Boo Baskets for the neighbors Kindness rocks!
So raise a glass (of hot chocolate, coffee, whatever your choice is) to say buh-bye to 2020 and hello to a 2021 filled with kindness and joy even when it seems dark. Reach out for help. Get to know others. We are better together! Let’s support and encourage each other!
Hanging out! Yep him too! S’MORES Tea parties Fun times She did it! Hangin by the pool! Being kids!