My gestational diabetes saga continues. After pulling myself together and changing my attitude, I did talk with my insurance and discovered they do cover a glucometer and they are sending me a free one. They told me to contact the pharmacy to get my free test strips for said glucometer and that was a NIGHTMARE. I also wanted to get a control solution to check the accuracy of my glucometer because I suspect it isn’t working properly. The call to the pharmacy was so frustrating.
The person I talked to didn’t know what a control solution was and thought I was asking that they randomly give me a controlled substance (ya know like a narcotic or ADD medicine) so I had to explain what a control solution is. I was told nope, I would have to contact the manufacturer to get this control solution. Then I was told no I couldn’t get the test strips through them without a new prescription for those strips specifically despite being told last week they had tried EVERY glucometer and strips and none were covered. After going round and round in circles the kind associate decided to check my prescription which was a generic script for any glucometer and strips. After going in circles again, he looked at my insurance and notes from last week and came back and informed me that, “Your insurance does cover that meter, but the co-pay for your test strips is $40 a month for that meter but only $25 for the other meter so we thought it was in your best interest to only pay the $25 a month so we gave you that meter that you had to pay out of pocket for.” I almost lost it y’all. I asked why I wasn’t told that in the first place and they had no answer for me. I still don’t know why you would tell me no glucometer is covered when that is not true. But, this was not the same person I talked to last week, so I just let it go and hung up. That was probably the best and nicest thing I could have done at that point. The kids were not getting along, the dog was barking, my husband was on a call and was trying to get me to take care of all the noise, I was trying to get answers, and I was getting frustrated. I did contact the manufacturer of my current glucometer and have a control solution on the way. And I am lucky enough to have a friend who is a Diabetes guru and huge fighter for her daughter and she saved my sanity! To my Mama friends with kiddos who have been diagnosed with any form of Diabetes-you are my hero. To my Mama friends who have Diabetes of any form-you are my hero! I don’t know how y’all deal with the insurance crap and run around, and changes EVERY day. Kudos to you.
Moving on from frustration…Yesterday was a brutal day as far as heat and humidity. It was like being at the beach, but there was no beautiful water and no soothing sound of crashing waves. It was just hot and humid with a nice wind. I have mentioned one of my goals is to teach my kids how to be fit and healthy and to set an example for them. So we got our waters and a refill container with ice and water and set out on a walk around the neighborhood. We went 1.27 miles and I think we took 20 rests and about 50 water breaks. Did I mention it was hot?!!? Hydration is so important. If you’re wondering what time of day we went for our walk, it was 9 am. Not the middle of the day, not the evening, but the morning when it is cooler. It took us an hour to finish our trek which wasn’t bad for as many stops as we took. I got some cute pictures (check them out on my Instagram page linked below) and I let the kids stop to look for “crystals and shiny rocks” along the way. They had fun and isn’t being healthy about finding fun ways to stay healthy? Plus Mama has to wear these kids out so they will sleep! We came back and took a nice rest inside learning more about July 4th and learning the Pledge of Allegiance. We then did a flag craft (I’ll share that in another post later along with our craft project for today). Then we ate lunch and did nap time. Nap time is Mama’s time to get in her exercise.
I set out on my fast paced walk at Noon. It was HOT and I was drenched the moment I stepped out of the house. I made sure I had PLENTY of ice water and knew I would be sticker closer to home due to the heat. I made it 2.02 miles and then did a cool down of 0.86 miles. I felt, well HOT obviously, but I felt great! It took everything in me to get out and go, but I am so glad I did! The day before, the kids and I went out for a 1.4 mile walk followed by a Mama walk of 2 mile walk, and then an evening walk of 1.3 miles. My biggest win was Monday! On Monday I did a 4 mile Mama walk at a pretty brisk pace! I felt so good that day after doing it. I was so tired before going, but felt so energized after. As I mentioned before, I still do some strength training and some stretching (Yoga is great). Remember, NEVER start any exercise or exercise program without the consent and agreement of your doctor. Below I am attaching a shameless Amazon ad to the shoes I LOVE! A few years ago everyone kept telling me how great Brooks shoes are for runners. I found a pair on sale at a sports and outdoor shoes and bought them on a whim. I have loved them so much I keep buying the same pair! I’m not one to branch out much! LOL. Please remember that if you click on the link and make a purchase I may make a commission at no additional cost to you! I will link a few other favs as well!
nope, that’s not a smile…SO HOT That’s a little better!
Today is set to be a very hot and humid day as well. It’s 7 am and the temperature with the “feels like” temperature is ridiculous. I’m thinking today may be a dance party day instead of a walk to get the kids moving! Mama will probably do Yoga and a few strength exercises instead of a walk. Either way, staying healthy and setting a good example will continue to be my goal. Raising my coffee cup! Here’s to another day spent with my loves and staying healthy!