If you are like me, your kiddos will have some time off for Winter Break. My littles have continued virtual learning so the difference will be that they won’t have homework they have to turn in each day during the week. Now to find different fun ways to fill that time and to keep them …

Holiday Gift Guides and Deals
In this post, I’m going to post some finds on Amazon. As an Amazon affiliate member I make a commission if you click the links and purchase on that link at no additional cost to you. Remember I’m posting on my Facebook page as well! Follow me on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/EMMessyMamaLife! As you know, today …

Holiday Gift Guide ages 8+
I don’t have any kiddos that are 8+, but I hope you will still find this guide relevant and on point! I will put links to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. See Disclaimer page for more information. I mentioned in my last post that …

Holiday Gift Guide For ages 6 and under, Part 2!
Man, I just didn’t realize how many things there are for those 6 and under! Let’s get right back into gift ideas! I will also say that while I am suggesting these as holiday gifts, they can also be great for birthdays or just because! Just as a reminder, the links will take you to …

Holiday Gift Guide, Kids 6 and Under
I have 4 kids age 6 and under. This doesn’t make me an expert in what they want, but I do know what they ask for. If your kids are like mine though, what they want changes daily. Last year I ordered all the gifts ahead of time. No last minute shopping for me! Christmas …

Holiday Gift Giving, Part 1
The holidays are upon us! I LOVE the Fall. The colors, the sights, and the smells! I also love it because it signals the start of some of my favorite holidays. I love getting together with extended family to share a meal and to share fellowship. This year may not look exactly the same, but …

30 Days of Thankful
So overall 2020 has been kind of a crapshoot for most of us. It is the year that just keeps giving…crap. I’ve been thinking about all the things people are posting on social media platforms and all the things we have to hate 2020. But do I have to end the year thinking of all …

Halloween Fun
Since it is not recommended to do Trick-Or-Treating this year, I have been trying to figure out some fun things to do for our kids as well as neighbor kiddos. Our kiddos love dressing up for Halloween and getting candy. Let’s be honest, they are in it for the candy and so are Mama and …

My Favorite 10 Pinterest Fall Drink Finds!
This Texas heat has just been RUDE the past few days. I know, I know…I live in Texas. Texas is HOT. Get over it or move. Truth is I love Texas and Texas is my home. That doesn’t mean I get accustomed to or like the heat that always comes with the Texas summers. Add …

Patriotic Recipe Ideas
Good morning! I got up WAY too early this morning. I will need ALL the coffee today. Oh wait, I’m pregnant so I can only have 2 cups…I may not make it through the day. Last night my daughter and I stayed up and watched our local fireworks show…from the comfort of our bed! Our …